CxO News

Back to Growth – Enabling Corporate Growth in Challenging Times

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Horváth Saudi Arabia

Horváth is your trusted partner for your success. We are excited to provide more than 40 years of expertise to our clients in Saudi Arabia.

As an internationally sought-after management consultancy, we help companies make strategic progress, consistently exploit growth potential, establish effective structures and processes, and set the course for success. We support companies and organizations on the path to transformation to achieve sustainable value and success in a changing world. Transformation, performance management, and digitalization are our core competencies and driving forces on the shared Road to Sustainable Value.


Driving Transformation in the Middle East – Welcome, John Giurgius!

We are thrilled to welcome John Giurgius to Horváth as our new Regional Head for Financial Services in the Middle East! With over 13 years of experience in financial services and a proven track record in leading complex digital transformation programs across the UAE, KSA, and Kuwait, John is the perfect fit to help drive our growth in this dynamic region.

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Special Topic

Restructuring as the key
to crisis management

Whether large corporations or family-run SMEs, many companies are currently facing macroeconomic and microeconomic challenges. Multiple crises and economic fluctuations call for innovative responses. This is because they decide on the financial result in the short term and the corporate strategy in the medium to long term.

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Special Topic

Understand sustainability aspects as strategic success factors

Sustainability has become one of the most important topics in strategic management over recent years. Up until a few years ago, sustainability aspects were often understood as corporate philanthropy – while now they are the focus of strategic concepts and business models.

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Your career

Learn more about our wide range of entry and development opportunities

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Global presence

Contact details and route planners for our sites

Anywhere you can see opportunities for growth or potential for optimization, we are right there with you to implement international projects on your behalf.
